Monday, August 4, 2014

Dropped Doramas Part 2

Ini sambungan dari postingan sebelumnya Dropped Doramas Part 1

6. Dandarin ~ Roudou Kijun Kantokukan (2013)

Labor Standards Inspectors... are you aware of their existence? For the sake of the 52 million actively employed people across the nation, the government had set up this body to help ensure that there is safety at workplaces. Danda Rin, is an example of a very diligent and strict inspector. She doesn't compromise when it comes to the rules. The story opens with the transfer of Danda Rin to the new Labor Standards Inspector office. "She had caused her boss at her ex-office to go bald!!" is the rumor that accompanies her to her new office. Danda Rin is someone who doesn't do things in half measures, which is totally unlike the laidback male colleagues in the office. "Unpaid overtime", "Managers in name only", "Power harassment by managers"; these are all the things she fights against! -- NTV

Padahal ide ceritanya bagus, tentang Labor Standards Inspectors alias PNS yang suka ngecek-ngecek para tenaga kerja gitu. Apa, ya istilahnya? Dinas Tenaga Kerja kali ya? Sebenarnya mau nonton ini juga karena pengen liat Matsuzaka Tori doank, sih abis kesemsem pada pesonanya di TAKE FIVE. Apalagi ada Takeuchi Yuko dan Kitamura Kazuki juga. Tapi nyatanya, walau memasang nama artis yang cukup terkenal, nggak menjamin sebuah dorama itu sukses. Ya, seperti Dandarin ini!. Apalagi kita udah dikasi tau di awal kalo sang heroin sebenarnya udah meninggal, dan cerita pun flashback ke kisah sebelum 'dia' meninggal. Tapi, eksekusi ceritanya nggak menarik sama sekali. Padahal openingnya cukup unik menurutku, menampilkan sketsa seperti dalam komik gitu. Ahh...Gomen, I have to drop this dorama!!

7. Miss Pilot 2013 

Tezuka Haru has been desperately hunting for a job, but nothing seems to come about. Without thinking about the consequences, she takes and barely passes the necessary exam to enter the world of aviation. From then on, she begins to walk the path towards becoming a female pilot. Of course she struggles a lot, especially since the training is more severe than she expected before taking the exam. She bonds with her fellow cadets, has to deal with some very strict teachers, and meets various people while going through the pilot training. --Tokyohive

Yang ini juga tema ceritanya bagus, pilot wanita. Belum ada kayaknya di dorama, ya?!. Bagus juga untuk yang kepengen jadi pilot atau sekedar ingin tau gimana seluk beluk suka duka jadi pilot. Tapi entah kenapa aku nggak dapat feel-nya ketika menonton dorama ini. Horikita Maki ada kemajuan dikit di aktingnya. Aibu Saki tetap oke seperti biasa. Trus ada Saito Takumi juga yang lagi naik daun. Tapi semuanya nggak berhasil membuatku ingin melanjutkan menonton dorama ini. Apalagi durasi episode awal yang lama dan beberapa adegan terkesan repetitif sehingga membosankan sekali. Apa boleh buat, Drop!!

8. Dokushin Kizoku (2013)

At present, over 47% of the male population in Japan aged between 30 ~ 34 are single. While for women, the no. goes up to 60% for those in their late twenties. It is not that they are unable to get married. Rather, they all choose to remain single, as they believe that marriage is not the be all and end all. Life holds more promising things beyond marriage, and thus they are all celebrating life as a single. This drama takes a look at life from the perspectives of these men and women.

Hoshino Mamoru is the President of a film production company, having taken over the position from his father. He is an excellent creative director, but he detests chaos and hence prefers to remain single. His brother, Susumu, works at the same company, taking care of the business side of things. Currently undergoing divorce proceedings, Susumu has had to move out of his marital home. Haruno Yuki is disillusioned with men, after having gone through several failed relationships. She wasn't making great strides in her career either, and so one day, she decided to quit her job and pursue her dream of becoming a scriptwriter. In order to pay the bills, she takes on a part-time job at a maid agency. Before she knows it, she gets her chance to make her dream come true!

It could be Fate, or just plain coincidence, but the 3 of them are plunged into each other's lives; The "Affluent Single", the "Divorced Hero" and the "Marriage Refugee". Will a pivotal moment happen upon them? Will the "Affluent Single" decide to give wedded bliss a chance? --Fuji TV

Dari sinopsisnya keliatan menarik, kan?! Iya, benar! Dorama ini cukup menarik sebenarnya, terutama untuk yang lagi jomblo (seperti aku!) dan ingin mendapatkan pasangan. Kalo dilihat dari castnya, udah bisa ditebak, siapa dengan siapa! Apalagi karakter dua pria di dorama ini adalah kakak beradik dengan sifat dan karakter yang saling bertolak belakang yang nantinya pasti ngerebutin cintanya karakter yang dimainkan si Keiko (kayaknya, sih!). Ada satu adegan yang paling berkesan di sini yaitu ketika Hoshino Mamoru dipaksa tantenya (yang diperankan oleh istri presiden pertama kita, Dewi Sukarno) ngedate sama gadis pilihan si tante, dia malah nyebutin semua nama stasiun kereta di Jepang di dalam hati, waktu teman kencannya tersebut sibuk celoteh sana-sini. Jadi mikir, jangan-jangan gitu, ya kebanyakan cowok kalo malas dengerin cewek ngomong panjang lebar, dari luar keliatan seperti mendengarkan padahal pikirannya entah kemana. Tapi begitu pun, aku nggak berniat pengen melanjutkan dorama ini. I just dont want it! Then, I have to drop it!

9. Dark System Koi no Ouza Ketteisen (2014)

Unattractive and ordinary Kagami (Yaotome Hikaru) gets furious when his friend Saionji starts seeing his love interest Yuri. In order to break them up, he creates the bugging device “Saionji Crasher” and plants it in Saonji’s room.--dramawiki

Waktu liat teasernya, tertarik untuk menontonnya walaupun tau bahwa dorama ini pasti absurd. Dan ternyata benar aja, dorama ini super duper gajebo.  Karakter utamanya demen ngomong dalam hati. Setiap karakter sepertinya pengen balas dendam satu sama lain terutama karakter Kagami dan Saionji yang sama-sama memperebutkan gadis yang sama, Yuri. Nggak begitu paham, sih sama jalan ceritanya tapi menurutku dark system yang dimaksud disini mungkin sifat jahat yang dimiliki setiap orang atau bisa juga alat yang diciptakan Kagami untuk menghancurkan hubungan Saionji dan Yuri. Entahlah! Yang pasti aku nggak berminat melanjutkan dorama ini! Drop!!

10. SHARK (2014)

The five-member band SHARK wants to change the world with their music, and dreams of making their major debut. They struggle but take small steps forward on what is certainly not an easy path. Their sights are set even if it might feel hopeless sometimes, but because of their fellow members they will not give up. SHARK is on the verge of debuting, however, tragedy fall upon them when the vocalist dies in an accident...--dramawiki

Eits, jangan sampe ketukar/salah sama K-drama yang judulnya juga sama! Kalo SHARK (wajib kapital!) adalah singkatan dari nama-nama member band fiktif ini. Ceritanya, sih biasa, khas cerita perjuangan sebuah band gitulah! Tragisnya, sang vokalis yang merupakan 'soul' dari band ini malah meninggal akibat kecelakaan. Setelah itu udah bisa ditebaklah, gimana bla..bla..bla.. Ceritanya, sih bolehlah.. tapi akting para pemainnya, tuh yang suck banget, apalagi yg jadi main cast! Nggak tau, deh apa karena karakternya harus gitu, tapi menurutku terlalu lebay aja! Untungnya lagu-lagu yang ditampilkan cukup enak. But it's not enough to make me continue watching this! Drop this too!!

Source: Dramawiki, Tokyohive, Fuji TV

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